Executive Leadership Trust Improvement
This project involved implementing and embedding systems and structures at an executive level across a small trust of primary and secondary schools. The project involved modelling all aspects of the Executive role including assessment systems, Phonics leadership framework, the setup of digital newsletters, sustaining outstanding academy learning environments, and creating a trust school improvement and assessment calendar.

E-Learning, inside and outside of the classroom
This project took place over secondaries in a large local authority. Following remote learning, the focus was on sharing effective remote learning practice and looking at how developments in pedagogy and practice from times of remote learning can be translated from remote learning into the classroom. The project also involved investigating and exploring any new strategies and technology that came to the market to validate potential so that the latest effective practice could be shared and utilised.

Change of Exam Board
For this project The Education Exchange partnering with a high school, implementing all aspects of an exam board change in English. This included curriculum timetable, identifying external exam board training, access resources and CPD, visits to see modelled lessons, shared moderation timetables and support, setting up and sharing assessments systems and regular assessment meetings.

Embedding Launchpad for Literacy to improve outcomes in the Early Years and beyond
- Staff were able to identify and closing specific skills gaps with individuals and vulnerable groups, assessing, tracking and quantifying the process of closing the gap.
- Staff could now identify speech, language and other developmental needs as soon as possible and to embed specific skill-based intervention into practice and ‘Quality First Teaching.’
- Staff had a greater level of diagnostic capability, establishing reasons and solutions to underpin informed interventions when literacy acquisition is problematic.
This includes several large local authority primary school projects. As a result of the project;

An independent audit of IT platform and systems
During this project The Education Exchange were commissioned by a growing trust in the south of England. The trust was expanding and in doing so had accumulated schools on different IT platforms and systems. In order to make a truly independent decision on how to effectively collaborate and move forward together, The Education Exchange utilised its capacity and diversity. The project was delivered through two large trusts who are member of The Education Exchange. They were chosen as they operate on two different IT platforms. This ensure the audit and any recommendations were informed and completely independent. The project focused on workload, trust collaboration, and effective teaching and learning.